学生 & 校友导师计划

The Mentorship Program was created to help foster meaningful relationships between current students and alumni, 谁能提供职业建议, a professional network and guidance on how students can maximize their MMU experience.


"I’ve received an amazing internship and another person added to my network. It has completely changed my life and how I view myself as a leader and a working professional."
- Lauren Imhoff ' 23 |学生导师


There are many benefits to this partnership—an alumni mentor can provide students with knowledge and advice, 帮助拓展他们的职业网络, 引导他们了解某些职业和行业的期望.

Mentors are often a great source of encouragement during life’s challenges. 他们可以帮助一个人成为一个更好的沟通者, 分享职业机会, 并增强他们的信心和专业精神, 帮助他们实现个人和职业目标.

另一方面, mentoring is a great way to invest in the next generation and make a positive influence on their professional and personal development. 通过指导, 一个人可以拓展自己的领导能力, 传授知识, 并获得与社区更大的联系感. 


I appreciate all the feedback I get when I talk about my plans and thoughts about my future, 不管是关于我未来的职业生涯, 我现在的职位是学生, 或者其他任何机会. I really enjoy having someone I can talk to who has experience in the field that I want to enter.

Tonya Kramer, 24岁



学生s: The Mentorship Program is open to all current Mount Mercy students, 无论是传统的还是非传统的, 研究生或本科生, 当面或网上.

校友: The Mentorship Program is open to Mount Mercy alumni from all over the globe. If you’re interested in having a remote partnership and committing to meeting virtually or by phone, 您可以在应用程序中指定此格式.

All student mentee and alumni mentor applications for the upcoming academic year are due April 1. We recommend including as much detail as possible to ensure a great match. You will receive basic information about one another prior to being matched to get the best possible experience from your mentoring arrangement.





  • 学生 and alumni applications are due April 1 for the upcoming academic year (August-May).
  • All applicants (both students and alumni) will be notified by July 1 with an update on their match status.
  • To make sure you feel supported and equipped with the right tools for a successful mentoring year, mentee and mentor training sessions are facilitated in early September.
  • We recommend that mentees and mentors meet once or twice a month during the academic year to build a strong relationship and get to know one another.


I enjoyed the mentor experience as it allowed me to stay closely connected to Mount Mercy through the mentor/student experience. 我能够听到并理解MMU学生的经历, 提供职业支持和建议, 提供不窒息的支持和不教养的指导. 我能够分享学生成功的喜悦. I was so proud when my student graduated and found herself now working on the Hill!



Mount Mercy peer mentors are focused on helping their peers have a positive student experience. They can help mentees navigate the typical challenges of first-year students and will often share their own experiences or lessons they've learned.

Staff mentors serve a similar role but are more focused on connecting mentees with the appropriate campus resources. They also provide a safe space to ask questions about classes, campus, and the Mount Mercy community.

A faculty advisor specializes in helping students chart a course to graduate within a specific major. They are well versed in the Mount Mercy course catalog and academic requirements, as well as what electives and domain courses align best with their interests.

在这个节目中, 导师通常不是现任员工, 教员, 或者是Mount Mercy的学生, 所以他们为他们的互动带来了不同的视角. 虽然他们可以分享自己学生经历的细节, mentors will often be more focused on helping mentees navigate challenges outside of campus, 比如确定职业机会, 评估研究生院选择, 拓展专业技能, 以及行业内的关系网.

就业服务办公室,学生服务办公室和发展办公室 & 校友 Relations review all mentor and mentee applications to facilitate a deliberate match. 匹配是基于各种各样的标准,比如职业兴趣, 学术经验, 共同的兴趣爱好, 教育背景.

Matches identified for the upcoming academic year will be notified in early August.

Because we want to ensure the best fit between our mentees and mentors, 我们可能并不总是在那个时候找到合适的伴侣. Any mentor applicants who are not immediately matched with a mentee will be held on file and considered for future mentoring opportunities. 全年都有一些以职业为重点的活动, 我们也可能会联系并要求您的参与.

While every effort is made to ensure that our mentor-mentee matches are a good fit, there may be times when a long-term commitment no longer suits your needs. 詹妮弗McNabb,项目连接总监,或 Kalindi加文, Director of 职业服务, can help you with any changes to your mentoring arrangements.

而实习并不是对导师安排的期望, 在适当的情况下,这当然是可能的.

Not all mentors will be in roles with hiring authority or in industries that offer internships, 所以这要根据具体情况来安排.

The most successful mentors focus on the whole person and not just on professional identity. However, it often takes time to get to that place of trust with a new relationship.

在最初的几次会面中, you both may be more comfortable keeping your conversations focused on academic and professional success. 随着你们彼此了解的加深, expanding your discussions to include your personal goals and challenges may come naturally—this is an ideal area for students to take cues from a mentor.

If you're both interested in talking about more areas of life right from the start, 请随意分享你觉得舒服的东西.


The mentorship program is facilitated by the 学生 Services, 职业服务, and Development & 校友关系办事处.

If you have any questions about this program or application, please don't hesitate to 博彩平台.



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